About us

Geschrieben von Carla Pieper | 10.05.18 07:54

Thinking ahead and thinking in new ways: these are our visions for the HR sector.

The world is constantly changing, but far too many outdated concepts prevent companies from embracing change. We are convinced that change brings opportunities for every company — opportunities that should be seized.

With our platform, we want to create a space that combines current topics, innovative ideas, and forward-looking strategies in the HR sector — a space that opens up new perspectives and gives us the courage to think in new ways. We also want to give insights into our own working methods at Babbel and report directly from our Berlin office, where we put our ideas into practice.

Most importantly, we want this to be an exchange between equals, from business to business. Together, we can learn from each other, develop new perspectives, and enter a new era of HR.

We are interested in your perspectives, your opinions, and your feedback. Don’t hesitate to get in contact — come shape the future of HR with us!